Analog Motion


Looking to improve my skills in motion design, I took an analog motion class my last semester of college. Seeking to retain a physical element in this largely computerized field of design, I learned how to create effective motion graphics by combining technological and analog methods. Projects included stop-motion, rotoscope, barrier grid, and sound-based design.

My final project for the class. The prompt was to use any method we learned and show a clear passage of time. I love working with paper, so I created unique paper forms and conveyed the passage of time through the changing light and arrangement of frames.

For the stop-motion project, I chose to incorporate typographic and illustrative elements. After brainstorming, story-boarding, and creating an animatic, this was the final product. I designed and cut out the paper letters and had a friend design and create the skeleton.

The prompt for this project was to convey a story through only sound and six static images, with the purpose being to emphasize the importance and influence of sound design in motion projects. The art direction and story are playful in nature, bringing a sense of excitement to an oftentimes mundane task.


Style Guide

